Why learn French abroad with StudyTravel?

The French language is spoken by approximately 300 million people either as a native or second language. It is the official language in 29 countries across the world. To learn French in France with StudyTravel will mean that you can communicate with the people that speak it, understand the culture where you are living and open your mind to new ways of looking at the world with the various courses that we have on offer.

To learn French abroad with StudyTravel will enhance your understanding of the language as our schools in France and Canada teach a wide range of topics that are suitable for all abilities and all ages. Whether you are an absolute French beginner or advanced speaker we promise that we will find the intensive course that is suitable for you. We also guarantee you that a booking with us will always be cheaper than booking with the individual school. So please take your time to look through the site or contact us if you need further help. Finally, Bon voyage
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Adults 30+
Adults 50+
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Cathy, Valencia